Another Call of Duty World at War multiplayer map is in, all thanks to {UHS}TheStrus, the creator and provider of this map: UHS Memorial. Unlike most of the maps, UHS Memorial is strictly for snipers. With two bases on both sides of the map, you workout your reflexes and coordination to pop a cap into the enemy before you get theirs. Personally, this is one of the best sniper maps I’ve played so far.
1. UHS Memorial (1.0)
Map Created by TheStrus aka {UHS}TheStrus (Email:
Details: First map for CoD5 with {UHS}Tags. Map have one secret and if you find it you can jump to flying ballon. Enjoy and good luck to find the secret! All feedback is welcome! Please email me with any problems or comments. Thanks for downloading, and Enjoy! -TheStrus
Game: Call of Duty: World at War
Supported Gametype: Multiplayer, Team Deathmatch (Sniper Only)
Map Size: 6+ : Medium+ Map
Feedback: All feedback is welcome! Please email me with any problems or comments.
~To Download TheStrus’s CoDWW Sniper Map, Click A Mirror Below!~
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– Loyal K.N.G.
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