Joseph Carnevale Makes Barrel Monster & Gets Fined $360 For Thievery. Stealing Not An Option, But At Least You Did Something Productive W/ It.


Wow, I can’t believe a kid got fined and arrested for making this pimp ace creature “The Barrel Monster”. Although the kid stole the barrels in the first place, and the barrels are government property, can’t those old geezers in the judge room see this art!?

NC State student Joseph Carnevale, the artist behind the Traffic Barrel Monster, has been arrested for stealing the barrels and “cutting and screwing them together to make a statue,” which apparently is a misdemeanor in North Carolina.

The total cost of the damage has been estimated at $360 and a court case is scheduled for July 21st.

Wow, $360 you just lost an Xbox 360 Joseph Carnevale, good job.

Via: JLP