Got a new Nazi Zombie map for Call of Duty World at War: Nazi Zombie Boa, created and developed by Amgbox! A sweet map that has all you would want, with just a few minor problems here and there, with small bugs, and tweaks needed, but overall a well polished map.
1. Nazi Zombie Boa
Map Created by Amgbox (Email:
Map Size : 1-4 : Medium Map
Installation Instructions:
Extract to–
(XP)C:\Documents and Settings\Logged-on user\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW\mods\
(vista)C:\Users\Logged-on user\AppData\Local\Activision\CoDWaW\mods\
—— Yes all the files go inside mods\nazi_zombie_boa, even the map ——–
Launch CoDWaW.exe, go to Mods and launch “nazi_zombie_boa.
You MUST launch the mod to play the map, there is no way
around this.
Create a lobby and invite your friends who already have the mod.
There is no HTTP Redirect or downloading off the host in Co-op.
Change the server to Nazi zombie Mode and it’ll be listed on map list.
SOLO Playing: If you wish to play alone then open console
(~) and type “/map nazi_zombie_boa”. The number of
zombies increases with more players so solo play is
Known Bugs:
*** Allow players to buy satchel charges or kilroys_colt without having a primary weapon replaced
*** Allow players to get satchel charges or kilroys_colt from the random weapon box, without having a primary weapon replaced
*** And If you use satchel charges or kilroys_colt to buy weapon, You can have more than two guns.
~Click here to Download Nazi Zombie Boa~

– Loyal K.N.G.
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