CoDMapper has released an all to awesome mounted gun prefab! Letting you easily mount and use the MG42, Fg42, and Browning, with the simple use of his prefab. A real map maker’s delight, is what this is. Anyone who want to make their day easier instead of working from scratch to their map, then this is something you might want to have.
1. Three Mounted Guns Prefabs
Prefab Created by CoDMapper
Details: “These are three prefabs that are mounted guns.
* Mg42
* FG42
* Browning
These also come with the easy scripting in the .csv file located in the zone source folder.
All you need to do is read the ReadMe.
All of these work and have been played in game.
Sadly I did not get the Bar and the Type99 to work. I may release soon if I get them to work.”
~Click here to Download the Prefab~
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– Loyal K.N.G.
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