Artist: Dave Barnes Illustrate Paintings After Paintings of Imaginative Story Telling Pieces!


Today’s return of the “Artist of the Day” is the amazing Dave Barnes! His illustration pieces showcase an amazing variety of vibrant colors all fused together to form a encapsulating vintage feel. Each art piece by Dave Barnes overflows with imagination, and really brings a sense of being a kid in each illustration. Visit Dave Barnes page here and read his short bio below:

~ Dave Barnes (1975 ~ .) Artistic approach involves the practice of transforming modern concept to reveal nostalgic mood, sometimes refered to as “Oldification”. Recycled elements, faded colours, layered/collaged backgrounds, and sand~papered imagery all play a part in this process, along with the use of bold observational line and memory dissolved Rockwellian imagery. Often disregarding conventional rectangular canvases for manipulated wooden shapes to help emphasize theme and subject, I try to use art as a translation of experience and observation that derives inspiration from environment and memory.


