Call of Duty 5: World at War Nazi Zombie Labo, Created by Forw4rd! Zombies Just Keep on Coming.


Thanks to Forw4ard for making his first Nazi Zombie map: Nazi Zombie Labo. We once again get to taste another bite of zombie goodness. A nice quality map, especially for a first time mapper.

1. Nazi Zombie Labo

Map Created by Forw4rd

Details: “Hi my first map,i had a lot of fun making,testing it with my main m8
-Revolution- .hope you like it ,any support is welcome.”
Map Size : 2/4 PLAYERS : Small/Medium Map

*Make sure you have hidden files and folders visible.*

Step 1:

You need to have the following directory’s, if you dont then
create them:

For Vista users:

For XP users:
c:\documents and setting\XXX\local settings\Application

*XXX is your windows login.

Step 2:
Now extract into that mods folder.

-Start CoD:WaW singleplayer
-Click on mods and launch nazi_zombie_labo
-host a game or play by yourself by typing: /map nazi_zombie_labo in the console.

*To play with 4 players all players including the host must
launch the mod or you will crash out.


~Click here to Download~

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For more Updates, Mods, and Maps for Call of Duty, click here!