Top 10 Most Overrated Things Ever! Games, Movies, People, They’re All Overrated!


In this day and age, there’s always something overrated.   Plenty of people with awkward fetishes, and those happy for mediocre decisions just to join the club.

Well, now I’ll show you the Top 10 most overrated things ever, so you’ll know what to avoid for your own safety (and dignity)!

10. Superman


Talk about overrated.  Superman always acts all high and mighty, but when it comes down to it, he’s still getting his package handed to him from a rock.

9. Harry Potter


Easily one of the most overrated movies series out.  Mediocre story (at best), tossed up with some kids with magic, and you got yourself a pedo-magnet spell from the beard-pedo-bear master himself.

8. High School Musical


It’s pretty sad when you you end up finding out that your youngest generation is hooked on watching other kids singing about their life problems.   Makes you wonder if they’ll make it out ok.

7. Twilight


Ahh, Twilight, one of the latest addictions to be obsessed by highschool teens.  No idea why, but teens have a addiction for vampires, no matter how crummy, or cliche it is.

6. Halo


How I love Halo, feels just like playing hopscotch in slow motion.. How fun.

5. Grandma’s Cookies


Which grandma makes the best cookies, I wonder.

4. World of Warcraft


Yep, WoW is great alright, paying a monthly fee after buying the game, then buying each expansion pack, and on top of that, pay even more for additional features.  That’s great alright.

3. Chickenchicken-overrated

Everyone always says, “Tastes like chicken!”, but what if it’s not that it tastes like chicken, but that chicken tastes like it instead?

2. Lookin’ Goodphotoshop-overrated

In this age, trying to look good is overrated! You don’t have to always look your best, just photoshop your way into beauty, and there you go! Look at George, it worked for him fine.

1. Vince from Shamwow!vince-overrated

Vince you crazy dog you, first Shamwow, now Slap Chop? You sure are amazing!

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