~10 Valuable Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare tips/tricks on how not to die!~

1. When you catch yourself in a fire fight, don’t just stand there!  Strafe left and right to mess up their aim.

2. Don’t go crouching and prone without cover, just because your shorter doesn’t mean your invisible.

3. Usually its best to run from Mr. Grenade

4. Air-strikes are like rainy days.  Stay inside.

5. Don’t trust the in-game weapon stats, their way off.

6. It takes 5 seconds to heal your health whether you lose 1hp or have 1hp left.  So wait that extra second.

7. If it takes a whole clip to kill someone, it not because of juggernaut.

8. Ak-47’s damage goes from 40-30 to 40-20 when equipped with a silencer/rds.  Ak-74 accuracy decreases to assault rifle accuracy when equipped with a silencer/rds.  (not good)

9. Don’t use martyrdom when team-killing is on, people don’t seem to like it..

10. You’re not Chuck Norris.  ^^

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