2012 Oktoberfest Dance Competition by Blackstar of MBC Hosted in Dallas TX!

Shout outs to Blackstar (second from left) for hosting a great Oktoberfest Dance competition in Dallas TX! As with most dance shows in Dallas, we always come out to support our bros and sis in crime, and this event was no different! With so many new and old faces, it was like a family reunion. The dancers came in more skilled, the competition became more tight, and the fun was fully amped! Thanks for allowing Loyal K.N.G. to be apart of a great event.

Hampton, the winner of the competition, Blackstar, and I!

Alexa smiling beautifully, Kevin, Thien, and friends all looking cooler than the coolest!

Alexa shows off her new Loyal K.N.G. gear!

The dancers unite!


Victoria, Phiphi and Thien!

Move over Two Chainz, make room for TWO HATZ!

Victoria looking adorable in her new Loyal K.N.G. fit!